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agnes | ailing | anan | angela | anthony | bevan | bingsen | estee | esther | garry | geraldine | ♥gladys♥ | huiwen | jasshima | jiahui | junkai | kelvin | lilina | meichuan | priscilla | qianhui | qianying | ♥samantha♥ | sylvia | teckchye | vivian | ♥weihoon♥ | wenqin | ♥xiaoying♥ | ♥yihui♥ | yinghui | yuhui

January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009
about me



Saturday, August 30, 2008
Y; 10:11 PM

outing with weihoon(listeningear) and ailing(les-partner)... IT FAIR!!!~ =D

chatted and laugh so loudly in mrt, thanks to a ah gua... =X the minute when we reached city hall, one word to describe is HUMAN MOUNTAIN HUMAN SEA!!!~ walked to suntec convention hall... so crowded down there!!!~ different brand of electrical devices attracted our attention especially ailing... :) SELPHY CP770 PHOTO PRINTER attract me, wanted to buy but it will cost me a bomb for sure!!!~ went off after we finished walking at a big hall... brought candy floss!!!~ =D feel like a little kid again... shared it with the two girls as the candy floss was so HUGE!!!~ walked to suntec tower 5 to look for ailing friend... she chatted with her friend for awhile and off we go to marina square to hunt for food!!!~ ;) planning to eat ljs for lunch but we ended up eating yoshinoya... shopping after eating and of course cam-whoring as well!!!~ =D went off at 5pm or 6pm plus, alighted at admiralty with weihoon and helped kokboon to buy dinner... POOR HIM, sprained his leg while playing basketball on thursday!!!~ 'laughing out loud' now... he supposed to go sentosa with xinxiong and his classmates today but end up he never go because of his pig leg!!!~ i and weihoon accompany him for awhile and home sweet home... =D

'missed the day...'

Friday, August 29, 2008
Y; 7:45 PM

FHP lecture was pretty understandable!!!~ but most of my clique seem to be sleepy... do take care and have enough rest, girls!!!~ ;) bused down to admiralty place and waited for friends at macdonald there...


ailing, huiwen, priscilla and i accompany weihoon to her house there and take the present while the rest went to admiralty secondary school first!!!~ saw madam ng at crescent park and of course we chatted with her for awhile... it has been months since we last saw her!!!~ :) walked to admiralty secondary school, saw

ZAHRIL, FIRDAUZ, ISKI, SYARIZAD outside the school gate there... walked in together and here came the stupid guard!!!~ down there kbkp... really pissed off!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+ i and priscilla go and argue with her and i told her in a fierce tone that we obey the rule, the prinicipal say that the ex-students can come back after 11.30am and here we are coming back at 12pm plus you don't allow us in??? and she reply "don't argue with me, you want to argue you argue with principal"... okay, fine!!!~ all i can say is NOT FAIR... excuse me, we are ex-adssians and not some aliens from outer space!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+ manage to cam-whore at school with friends and i am happy already... :) went to shogun house, played monopoly at his house!!!~ FUN begin a loser... ;) full of laughter down there... after that everyone went off and i went to weihoon house for awhile!!!~ :) and of course HOME SWEET HOME...

asking yihui a stupid question in class just now... thinking of whether want to help him to take note and copy note like what i use to do before!!!~ but better not...

'use to it, i think!!!~'

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Y; 8:08 PM

it was so sweet... =D

but in real life = IMPOSSIBLE!!! =(

'you make me wanna...'

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Y; 10:18 PM

[22TH AUGUST 2008]

FHP practical was straight forward and understandable thus lesson ended early!!!~ =) slacked at cafe 1 with xiaoying, yihui, gladys, irene and weekuan... as usual we chit-chat and gossip while eating!!!~ =) the first impression i give to irene and gladys is i looked like an ah lian... do i really look like one??? anyway nice chatting with them!!!~ full of laughter and full of anger, i think...

badminton with weihoon, ailing, xinxiong, kokboon and bingsen!!!~ laughing non-stop is what we do... i think we are crazy??? =) jokes around and played around like little kids!!!~ one word to describe, TIRING but FUN... =)

cheer up, jiahui!!!~ ;)

[23TH AUGUST 2008]

shopping with baby!!!~ =) what a good sister i am to bring him out for shopping... haha, kidding!!!~ meet up with weihoon at admiralty macdonald after shopping... chit-chatted as usual, but it seem like i am the one who talked and talked non-stop!!!~ went over to resident corner with her and i haven't stop talking, told her that i was scared about something... i think i shall not think too much!!!~ ;) xinxiong, kokboon and their friends came over to resider corner to meet us... this time round, xinxiong and one of his friend talked non-stop!!!~ make us laugh like crazy... kokboon prank call bingsen and he acted so girly!!!~ bingsen came to meet us too... accompany weihoon to go home first!!!~ after she finish eating her dinner, we went over to kokboon house... oh my god, his pool table is so tiny and cute!!!~ =) watched horror show at his parent room, door closed and light off... damn scary!!!~ was scared by xinxiong boo-ing and not the show... bf was super naughty!!!~ after that home sweet home... =)

photo will be upload soon!!!~ ;)

'thinking too much...'

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Y; 10:15 PM

thanks clique for begin there when i need you all!!!~ =)

FHP lecture was understandable... did class work after ms lin presentation, was confuse at first but slowly slowly i understand how to do the calculation!!!~ went to cafe 2 with clique during break time... recieve a message from qianying that i have pass my FHP test!!!~ phew... =) starting of ms priya lesson, she keep nagging and nagging!!!~ but overall, i think she is a good teacher... she make everyone pass for FHS test!!!~ =) slacked at cafe 1 while xiaoying and yihui went off first... went up to dance studio, didn't do much dancing today!!!~ after that home sweet home... =)

accompany baby to go buy dinner... baby is so cute and fat!!!~ what a cute and fat brother i have... =X

meet up with weihoon and off to meet xinxiong, kokboon and bingsen at the basketball court... not long after i and weihoon reach, bingsen went home to study for his test tomorrow!!!~ good luck, bf... =) xinxiong recieved a court letter and i don't know what to do!!!~ all i can do is to pray for him and wish that nothing will happen to him... kokboon tell jokes to us and we were laughing out loud at the basketball court!!!~ especially me, the crazy one... =) went to bingsen house to return him basketball!!!~ after that, weihoon and i send xinxiong home... wa, where got girls send boy home one??? haha, just kidding!!!~ walked home with weihoon after that, chit-chatting while walking... talked about secondary school again!!!~ thinking of going back during teacher day, shall look forward... =) cam-whoring at my block there and backed home!!!~

photo will upload soon... =)

'love you, lose myself...'

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Y; 9:11 PM


Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Y; 10:19 PM

practical assignment 1 for FHP and FHS... both quite similar but FHS almost make me and my clique fainted!!!~

went to cafe 1 and slacked with clique... laughing out loud down there!!!~ =) chatted with yihui at bus during our journey to tampines interchange, nice chatting with her... =) after that home sweet home with gladys!!!~ remember to take care of yourself, girl...

breakfast with clique tomorrow, yeah!!!~ =)

'i am that you appreciated it...'

Monday, August 18, 2008
Y; 9:43 PM


but i only know that i somehow feel guilty...

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Y; 8:18 PM

memories with him suddenly flashed through my mind when i closed my eye...
i don't know why???

'thinking and wondering...'

think back, everythings that i have done for him is worth it!!! ;)
that time when i wake up early and trained to farrer park just to look for him, that time when i wrote so many lines for him etc...
OH MY!!!

我不要求任何回报, 只要求你天天开心...

P-R-O-M-I-S-E T-O Y-O-U:

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Y; 11:55 PM

sweeping and mopping a five room flat nearly killed me!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

shopping with weihoon(listeningear) and ailing(les-partner)... :) two of them, so naughty... keep telling me that they want to quit school, i bite you all then you know!!!~ tsk... ~!@#$%^&*()_+ anyhow spend money again, hope that weihoon is not aaaannnnggggrrrryyyy!!!~ macdonald for lunch, saw _____ and gang...

I FEEL LIKE I AM AVOIDING HIM!!!~ don't know why also... =P

meet up with 3 BF after our shopping... as usual, the guys will play basketball so weihoon and i just settle down at somewhere and chit-chat etc!!!~

WEIHOONlisteningear, don't cry anymore... i want to see you happy everyday!!!~ as i say just bear for few more months... no point going back to secondary school, as we cannot turn the clock back!!!~ JUST BEAR FOR FEW MORE MONTHS, PLEASE...

craving for durian right now!!!~

Friday, August 15, 2008
Y; 11:49 PM

never go to school today... blame it on my stomach and blame it on what i eat and drink yesterday!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+

thanks weihoon for accompany me... sold my psp at $120, not worth it!!!~ HEART PAIN... going to use the money for school shoe!!!~ =)


photo taken on 14th august 2008:
experiment that we did!!!~ =D

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Y; 11:31 PM


Monday, August 11, 2008
Y; 10:59 PM

in love, one must be bad and it's going to be ME...


boy, give yourself a chance...
will you???
let me be the one to get hurt and no one else!!!

'wanted to forget but can't...'

Friday, August 8, 2008
Y; 11:04 PM


celebrated national day at indoor sport hall and i can tell you all that today was a boring day for me!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+ WASTING OUR TIME, MAN... unlike primary school and secondary school, got performance to watch etc!!!~ long time never sing national anthem already and everyone was making fun of it... even saying of the pledge, we also make fun!!!~ =X ite school song was played... first time hearing it, man!!!~ AHS very high today arh??? unlike other courses... floorball match was boring, left indoor sport hall!!!~ xiao ying and i suddenly went crazy over BALLOON, so we chong all the way to first floor and line up for balloon... samantha and irene take the balloon too and we feel like a small kid, man!!!~ =D went to tampines mall with cliques, garry and deanis(she will alway be the last =X)... express teppan-yaki for lunch today!!!~ OYSTER, i am loving it... =D after that, home sweet home!!!~ nice chatting with xiao ying, girl what is past is past... now you have your haha!!!~ 'opps' =X

went home and take a nap!!!~ after that, meet xin xiong and kok boon... =D went to pasar malam and shop for food!!!~ slacked somewhere near my block and enjoy the food we brought... whoo, yummylicious!!!~ =D chit-chatting with them, talked about secondary school... topic that we chatted: secondary 1 to secondary 4, teachers we like and hate etc!!!~ =D memories, man... especially the time when we were having our 'n' level!!!~ went to admiralty garden with them, crazy us... saw ex-classmate there, long time no see already!!!~ having fun playing with them at the playground, played crocodile... we behave like children, running here and there!!!~ in the end, we ended up sweating like hell... so many laughter, xinxiong wear his pant opposite really make me laugh out loud!!!~ and somemore i was drinking water... damn funny and crazy... 'lmao' =DDD meet weihoon at admiralty place and left to meet bingsen at my block there!!!~ went to basketball court and slacked down there, as usual the boys will play basketball... so weihoon and i will be down there chit-chatting!!!~ please take care of your leg, girl!!!~ ;) slacked until 9pm plus and home sweet home...


BALLOONS!!!~ =DONGXINXIONGbf & TOHKOKBOONbf!!!~ =Dsee-sawing with two bf!!!~ =D

'always on my mind...'

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Y; 12:12 AM

boy, we have been single for four months already... found any true love???

FHP lecture was alright... sit with weng siong, he promised me something yesterday but it seem like what i wanted him to do is all wasted!!!~ BUT EVERYTIME WHEN I ASKED HIM TO BEHAVE, HE DO SO... that's good!!!~ =D went to cafe 1 with cliques to have our lunch, after eating we went to watch some performances... xiao ying so funny, man!!!~ STUDIO WU here and there, everytime when she say it i will tend to reply her 'wo men you zhi ji de lao shi liao'... too bad, plus learning dancing in studio wu is like damn expensive sia!!!~ popping is nice but LOCKING is better... 'smile' =D cleaning ice cream machine is what we did for ms priya practical lesson today!!!~ one sentence to add on, ms priya lesson is forever boring... ~!@#$%^&*()_+ slacked at cafe 1 and discuss about PM1 project!!!~ helped cliques to call the orphanage and asked them some questions... overall, i think everything is half success!!!~ =D went to CeMTA for dance practice... cam-whoring with cliques and having fun with them!!!~ xiao ying, yi hui and gladys went off first so the rest of us started our dance practice... today practice is damn slack, man!!!~ haha, because tan wee kuan not here... =X samantha, irene, qianying and i played some childhood games after we practice dancing for awhile!!!~ AEIOU and 123 MU TOU REN... 'lmao' =DDD i know we are lame!!!~ but it was fun, man... after playing, we continue with our dance practice!!!~ left CeMTA at about 5pm plus and home sweet home... raining cats and dogs, man!!!~ elephants and monkeys too... =X
'still can't forget you even though we have been single for four months...'

what is wrong with me, by the way???

Monday, August 4, 2008
Y; 10:10 PM


cry badly in class today... FRIEND (you should know who you are), your words make me cry like hell!!!~ i really never treat him like a toy, really... :(

forcing him to accept someone is like damn difficult, man... in the end, the one who get hurt the most is ME!!!~ i somehow know my mistake but i don't know why i still force him... i don't mind he hate me but i really don't know how to explain it!!!~ he once asked me, why i keep wanting him to have girlfriend??? i reply him that i don't know how to explain and told him that as long as he is happy i am also happy... his word somehow makes me guilty too but that does not stop me from forcing him!!!~ i think i should change but i really can't...

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

100 of sad face from me to you!!!~

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Y; 6:39 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AILINGles-partner... =DDD meet weihoon at around 1pm and waited for others at admiralty macdonald... regina came first and after that kokboon and daniel!!!~ walked to the opposite bus stop and meet up with xinxiong... take bus 969 to tampines interchange!!!~ during the journey, we get to sitted right behind together... =D crap down there and soon we fall asleep!!!~ kokboon is so lame, he took a photo of me and xinxiong sleeping... ~!@#$%^&*()_+ we went to collect cake at tampines mall, xinxiong and kokboon brought a mango cake too!!!~ =D after that, take mrt to pasir ris... the boys know how to walk to pasir ris park, so they guide us along!!!~ we were having fun chit-chatting and crapping around while walking... got to thanks xinxiong for helping me and weihoon to carry the cake!!!~ THANKS, ONGXINXIONGbf... =D the bbq pit is at the end so xinxiong, daniel and i rent roller blade while kokboon rent bicycle!!!~ saw ailing and priscilla so priscilla lobang weihoon while regina lobang ailing... the girls went off first, so the boys and i were taking our own sweet time to cycle and blade there!!!~ they were so funny, especially xinxiong... he is like a turtle, man!!!~ =D finally we reached the pit, settle down awhile and off to blade around pasir ris park with weihoon, the boys and regina again... brought drinks, and i have to say that the service there suck to the core!!!~ soda drink that kokboon buy taste suck, man... yuck!!!~ the boys went to a playground but we don't want so we u-turn back... weihoon fall and hurt her leg!!!~ hope she will be fine... cycle back to the pit first and it is time for us to return the roller blade and the bicycle!!!~ xinxiong, regina and daniel don't know blade and ride so fast for what while weihoon, kokboon and i were down there taking our own sweet time again... we chatted damn lots of stuff, mostly about ghost again!!!~ SCARY... went to fly kite after we return the roller blade and the bicycle!!!~ flying kite is a difficult task, man... run like hell in order to make the kite fly up high!!!~ anyway, got to thanks a uncle for teaching us... went back to the pit, bbq-ing!!!~ xinxiong, kokboon and daniel went off first... singing birthday song and cut cake!!!~ cam-whoring and leave the place at about 10pm plus... reached home at 12am plus, lucky dad didn't scold me!!!~ phew... =D

REALLY ENJOY MYSELF!!!~ at least i never think back about the past...'EMO me, not!!!~'