about me

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Y; 10:12 PM
late for lesson and can you imagine that 20 or more people late at the same time???
reached lecture hall on time, still consider late...
alright, i shall blame it on that someone who never help us open the door!!!
knock the door so loudly already but he still take his own sweet time to walk to the door...
anyway, i shall stop my complainting...
ms loh lecture was boring today, simply because cliques and i don't have the notes!!!
so we try to entertain ourselves...
doing word puzzle, playing psp, drawing, cam-whoring and etc!!! =D
during lecture, our ear was in no peace...
kavitha was down there nagging and nagging non-stop!!!
all thanks to anthony... =X
lesson finally ended, went to cafe 2 with cliques and 3 hong kong friends!!!
after eating, we chit-chat as usual...
i sang 'wo deng zhe ni hui lai' and the song freaked me!!!
as hungry ghost festival is just tomorrow...
and suddenly, we chatted about hungry ghost festival with 3 hong kong friends!!!
went up to 6th floor and wait for the lesson to start while waiting something happened...
kenneth and wenqin went to settle some problem with junhao!!!
and halfway though, wenqin suddenly shouted so loudly...
twin, i really got stun by your attitude!!! :)
OH WELL, i really have to say this...
ms priya lesson is forever boring!!!
thus, cliques and i chatted thoughout her lesson...
and in the end, i was begin ask to sit at the naughty corner with weng siong!!!
OH MY... =P
cliques still can laugh at me somemore!!!
ms priya never ask gladys to sit at the naughty corner but she sit with me...
she is such a funny girl!!! ;)
went to toilet, slacked at the chair there and chit-chat awhile before going back for lesson... xiaoying and yihui also move in front and sit!!! =D
weng siong makes us pissed off when we were in front together with him...
cliques and i should know!!!
'boy, try to control your temper... i don't want to see you get into any trouble ever since the day you told me about how naughty you were in your secondary school life!!!~'
and 'please take good care of yourself especially your eye...'
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Y; 8:13 PM
FHP practical was understandable and easy!!!~ meet new friends, friends from hong kong... =D
bring them to tampines mall!!!~ chit-chatting with them about singapore education, transport, food etc and they told us about their too... nice chatting, man!!!~ ;) bring them to food court, we followed them to walk around and see what they want to eat... after eating, we bring them walked around tampines mall!!!~ went back to school at about 12pm plus... they went back to their hostel and we went for our next practical!!!~ ms priya lesson was boring... can sleep, man!!!~ lucky my clique and i were down there entertaining ourself if not they sure hear my snoring sound... 'lmao' =DDD laughing with them thoughout the lesson and was kena nag by ms priya!!!~ but after the nag, we still continue our laughter... oh gosh, hong keng is so pervert!!!~ clique and i were pissed off by him... power point presentation by next tuesday, actually is by this thursday but we argue with ms priya and she set the dead line next week!!!~ =D CARE lesson with ms sng... short and a nice one!!!~ after that home sweet home with gladys and SWEET COUPLE(xiao ying and her sayang =P)...
ps: xiaoying so bad, psk her bf!!!~ haha, just kidding... =P
Eunice, look wider. Don't give up a forest because of one tree! :) It's time to forget and let him go Kang. I'm trying so should you!
thanks yihui, for your word... that applied on you too!!!~ let work hard together... =D
'it's better to love and lost than never to love at all...'
sorry xiao ying, i make her waited for 20 minutes or more!!!~ lucky we reached school on time... meet up with others and went for PM1 lesson!!!~ lesson was alright, played game and copy stuff to the blue book... after that, we went for a talk at main lecture theatre!!!~ one word to describe, boring... samantha and i were talking nonsense all the way!!!~ all craps, man... but fun lah, right samantha??? =D after that, we went on listening to music and never pay attention to the people talking on stage... and finally, the talk ended!!!~ went to east point with clique, kfc... chit-chatting as usual after eating!!!~ =D counselor of the day, NEO YI HUI again... thanks, girl!!!~ what she say make sense... she say that BGR pull me down and make me weaker!!!~ yea, i agree... but i am trying to make myself strong!!!~ ;) after that, we chatted about ghost, childhood and etc!!!~ walked back to school, three copy humans(xiao ying, yi hui and gladys) followed the way i walked... and they were laughing all the way!!!~ =P during ms priya lesson, she give us worksheet to do... and after that, she go through the answer with us!!!~ went to cafe 1 after that with clique while yi hui and gladys went to drum... after that, home sweet home!!!~ =D

I LOVE THEM ALL!!!~ 'kiss' :-*
'jealous but what to do, he is not mine anymore... going to pretend that nothing happen!!!~'
Monday, July 28, 2008
Y; 9:31 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Y; 7:14 PM
Y; 1:16 AM
outing with secondary friends today...
WELHOONlisteningear belated birthday celebration!!!~ =DDD
meet up with weihoon and trained down to causeway point... not long after we reached, here came huiwen and anan!!!~ went over to party world first and started singing... SINGING IS GREAT!!!~ ;) after awhile, here came ailing and jiahui... sing and sing and sing, took photos too!!!~ ended singing at 2pm, jiahui went off first while the rest went to have our lunch... YOSHINOYA, yummy!!!~ meichuan come to meet us while we were eating... after that, went over to some cake shop as ailing wanted to order birthday cake for this coming saturday!!!~ after that, we accompany meichuan to kfc as she want to eat... and home sweet home with weihoon!!!~ have fun today and i enjoyed it... =D

'give yourself a chance, will you???'
Friday, July 25, 2008
Y; 11:38 PM
late for ms loh lesson, but lucky she never say anything!!!~
COOKING is fun, mah... i love cooking!!!~ =D chicken thigh (1), hamburger patty (2) and combination dishes... the process is so fun and crazy, i bet all of us enjoyed!!!~ so troublesome, when taking down the temperature... overall, everythings taste nice although we add damn lots of seasoning!!!~ 'smile' :) after all the cooking, we somehow will like went over to others group and taste their food... everyone did their best!!!~ group 8 house keeping, drip dry stainless steel racks... easy task for my group and after that we can go!!!~ =D went to cafe 1 with cliques and slacked down there... after that home sweet home with xiao ying!!!~ alighted at admiralty place to buy something and saw warren there, long time no see... ;) went to weihoon house as i forgot to bring my house key!!!~ sorry to trouble you, girl... use computer, chit-chatting and watch movie through internet is what we did together!!!~ =D dinner at weihoon house, her mum cooking is nice... home sweet home, after dinner!!!~ thanks, weihoon... ;)
'i am willing to give up!!!~'
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Y; 12:43 AM
enough is enough!!!~ don't want to think anymore, i just know that i don't want to shed my tears for you anymore...
'the day will eventually come!!!~'
if there is a time machine, i rather we be friend if not you choose somebody else...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Y; 9:40 PM
i don't know why i keep making him pissed off, one day he is going to hate me for sure...
somehow got a question to ask you, but i don't know how to express myself!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Y; 8:47 PM
'what more can i do???'
Monday, July 21, 2008
Y; 8:35 PM
never thought of begin together with you again because i know you won't come back...
never thought of you still have feeling for me because i know your feeling for me have all fade!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Y; 11:15 PM
FHP practical lesson = planning of food!!!~ @@
Group 8, preparing dessert... easy, yea??? final product, COCKTAIL SALAD!!!~ first group to submit to ms loh our paper... then went around disturb and helping cliques!!!~ oh my god, PINCHING & BEATING game is so fun and crazy... we were like ouch here and ouch there!!!~ =D sorry to samatha for the blue black that i pinch her and thanks to xiao ying for the blue black that she pinch me... LMAO!!!~ play until halfway, my eye keep giving me problem... damn the pimple cream that goes into my eye!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+ lesson end early, went to cafe 1 and slack... fire drill, gather the whole people from college east together at the field!!!~ human mountain, human sea... gather not for 10 minutes, can dimiss already!!!~ WASTE OF TIME, MAN... then accompany weng siong and his buddy to library... went back to cafe 1 for awhile and home sweet home with xiao ying!!!~ =D
meet up with huiwen at admiralty macdonald, actually wanted to go home first but i realise that i never bring my house key so walked back to admiralty macdonald and wait for her... she is so slow like a turtle!!!~ after that, she came and we chatted... and here came regina, after that weihoon!!!~ regina went home first, so left weihoon, huiwen and i... so we walk around admiralty place, so boring as walk until sian already so i and weihoon train down to causeway point while huiwen take bus!!!~ walked around there and after that home sweet home with weihoon... =D
'i will smile more, as long as he is happy!!!~'
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Y; 11:15 PM
FHP 1st practical lesson!!!~ =D
ms lin go through the same stuff again, laboratory procedures... we finally get to wear boot and i can see that almost everyone is not use to it!!!~ group by group we take turn to show ms lin and ms loh the procedures... xiao ying, yi hui and i keep laughing for don't know what think, laugh and laugh non-stop!!!~ 'lmao' =DDD after that we do housekeeping... I HATE CLEANING, MAN!!!~ but i can tell you that we are enjoying ourself... especially yi hui, she keep entertaining herself!!!~ ;) finish my task and off to help samantha group... her group got to take out all the utensils and clean!!!~ and can you imagine how many utensils are there in the lab??? after all the cleaning, ms loh discuss with us about what food are we going to sell in school... final decision, hot dog bun if i am not wrong!!!~ went to cafe 1 during our break then after that we went up to 6th floor for test... test was easy, it just that i answer one question wrongly!!!~ damn it, wasted sia... ~!@#$%^&*()_+ attitude, mrs priya give me full mark but she ask me to control my laughter!!!~ 'lmao' =DDD anyway, mrs priya divided the test into group work and individual work... but for me, it doesn't seem like mrs priya is conducting a test!!!~ went to cafe 1 and slack, full of laughter and noise... i love my cliques!!!~ =DDD
kavitha shouted into my ear and ask me to tell my boyfriend(by right, he is not my boyfriend anymore...) to watch!!!~ the way she talk is like what the hell, man...
"Eunice, don't cry! Stay strong. :)" - thanks yi hui... ;)
'i hate myself for treating you good when you are just so heartless to me!!!~'
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Y; 11:28 PM

cute, isn’t it???
maybe i should try to relax, not thinking much...
but as usual, i can't!!!
nobody can understand me, even my loved ones too...
You know I can't smile without you!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Y; 10:24 PM
sweeping a five room flat make me sweat like hell, man!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+
weihoon message/call me and asked me if i want to go library as xinxiong and kokboon will be going there!!!~ get myself prepare and meet weihoon, saw bingsen at admiralty mrt station... so we asked him to tag along!!!~ saw shogun at woodlands mrt staion, chat with him for awhile and off we go... thanks weihoon for accompany to walk around causeway point just to find hair clip!!!~ =D after that went to library to meet up with the others... helped xinxiong to find book about protein, he and his protein stuff again!!!~ i wonder why he suddenly want to know so much things about protein??? weihoon, bingsen, kokboon and i left the library first, leaving xinxiong alone with his other friends... 'lmao' =DDD feel so hungry, so i complaint to kokboon!!!~ therefore he bring us to the nearby coffee shop to eat... after eating, kokboon brought us to don't know where!!!~ sit down and waited for his friend to come down... his friend is a big turtle, man!!!~ we suddenly feel thirsty while waiting for his friend, so we went to buy bubble tea and continue to wait... finally, his friend came!!!~ the boys played basketball while i and weihoon slack down there... take bus 912 back to causeway point and waited for bingsen 'girl'friend!!!~ bingsen chatted with her awhile and we went back to admiralty place... after that, we went to a place near kokboon house and we had durian!!!~ yummy, man... we anyhow throw the seed after we finish all the meat and bingsen say in few years time we are going to have durain tree near our block!!!~ =D saw reena and we chatted with her... after that home sweet home!!!~
thanks friends for begin my listening ear especially when it come to relationship, you should know who you are!!!~ =D
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Y; 8:40 PM
i really wish to be so heartless like him...
among all the guys, you are the one who left the greastest pain in my life...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Y; 8:40 PM
MON - 9AM TO 3.30PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Y; 9:18 PM
it's supposed to be our fourth month, if we were still together!!!
i think i will be having a big headache, thinking of what to buy for you???
but i am sure that no more brownies for you anymore...
i am not thinking of begin together with you again because i know it's impossible... all i want is to see you happy everyday!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Y; 3:02 PM
post about yesterday:
outing with TAGirls and friends... EAST COAST PARK!!!~ =DDD
i and weihoon saw bingsen, xinxiong, kokboon and chunseng at admiralty mrt station!!!~ =D so qiao, man... i and xinxiong were quarrelling as the boys wanted to take bus and the girls wanted to take mrt!!!~ but then i and weihoon already inside so they got no choice but to take mrt with us... ;) damn xinxiong, keep saying mrt one stop from admiralty to woodlands also happy arhx!!!~ tsk... meet up with others at causeway point then headed to Nokia Service Shop as ailing is repairing her phone... take bus 168 to bedok interchange and half way the boys went missing!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+ waited for them and we continue with our journey... take bus 197 and we over head one or two stops, i think!!!~ so we alight and take cab to east coast park... those who want roller blade go for roller blade and those who want cycle go for cycle!!!~
WEIHOONlisteningear never play anything today and she almost walk for the whole day!!!~ anyway thanks for begin OUR photographer... =D roller blading is fun, although we are not so pro but we manage to roll for two hours!!!~ almost fall down for two times but lucky in the end never fall down... ailing and i were chatting about life!!!~ nice chit chatting, girls... "what will you do, if there is a big rock blocking you in front while you were roller blading?" is same as life has a lot of up and down!!!~ meaningful, yea... went to subway after two hours of playing, i love the chocolate chip cookies out there!!!~ =P finish eating we went to play water... naughty me, go push xinxiong and he revenge back!!!~ the way he push me, wa lao... make me roll at the sand then drop into the water!!!~ because i push him at the sand also, that why lahx... thanks for the three blue black, xinxiong!!!~ the weather is not so hot compared to the day i and my ite clique were at sentosa... if not going to have another sun burn again!!!~ poor jiahui volunteer to be the one that cover by sand... we were having fun when we bury her!!!~ =D after that went to shower, paid $0.50 in order to use the toilet... the door is so lousy that cannot be lock so we got to take turn to look after the door!!!~ take bus 196 to raffles, during the journey... weihoon, the guys and i were chit chatting and joking around while the girls were at the top!!!~ XINXIONGbf keep making us laugh like crazy... =DDD after that the same us take mrt home while the girls went to lao pa sa to have their dinner!!!~ weihoon and i were listening to xinxiong "dog bone" mp3... reached admiralty i went to have my dinner with my two bf and chunseng while weihoon went back home!!!~ my stomach is so full as two of my bf keep throwing everything for me to eat... thank you!!!~ =DDD after that home sweet home with bingsen...
oh ya, one of my finger kena bite by red ants and now it's swollen like a pig finger... damn it!!!~ ~!@#$%^&*()_+
"i still can't forget about you!!!~ :'("