about me

Friday, February 29, 2008
Y; 10:29 PM
suppose to meet with friends at 9am... but i and xiao ying reached tampines interchange damn early!!!~ roar... after that went to tampines mall macdonald to have our breakfast... chit chat at the same time while we were having breakfast!!!~ =D we have no where to go after eating, some decide to watch movie and some decided to walk around the shopping mall... went to toy shop, when i stepped in to the toy shop i become siao siao already!!!~ i piggy back mickey and minnie... THEY ARE CRAZY, BUT I AM CRAZYx100... =X went to open plaza(if i am not wrong...) played playground and slack at a room... kena chase out by the guard as the room only allow children under 12 years old... haha!!!~ accompany yi hui to a place andwe take bus 17 back to school... went to find ms lin for our jelly, the jelly are still watery... we instead to take as we only want to eat the peach... =D lesson end early today, waited for 'b' class to finish their lesson... went to cafe 1 to eat then after that kenneth and gang want to play pool!!!~
sitting down enjoying looking at them playing pool and here come trouble again... she was so fake, man!!!~ walked pass me, and give me a stupid face... after that act as if she never diao me and asked me to go over to her side... you know what she asked me??? she asked me if i like 'him'??? only stupid people will tell you that she like 'him'... even if i like 'him' i also won't tell you!!!~ HATE IT, MAN...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Y; 11:15 PM
EIC lesson was ok, can manage to digest some into my brain... =D can't really pay attention to what ms sng when she was teaching so i stand up in order to keep myself awake... SITTING DOWN MAKE ME FALL ASLEEP, MAN!!!~ =D
stupid 'him' make me want to faint again, got money don't want to take... this is what he say to me too!!!~ =@ anyway went to cafe 2, eat mixed vegetable rice during recess then went up to T06-07 to have our EIC practical test... first thing, ms sng checked our finger nail before we go in!!!~ remember to wash our hand and to have all our ppe on... ms sng explain everything to us and we can start our test!!!~ waste too much time on calculation... so i, samantha lao po and ying hui da jie decided to try our luck while irene qing fu and jing ying was washing equipment... rinsed our hand and shouted(not actually shouted) for ms sng!!!~ ms sng came over and look through our answer in the end she used her red pen and mark a BIG TICK... WE WERE SO HAPPY AT THE MOMENT!!!~ =DD some continued with second page and other start on experiment... manage to complete on time!!!~ haha...
wait for jia jia gay partner and others to finish their lesson... =D
BITCH, as i say in my blog i am willing to give up on him and you can have him for goodness sake... please don't diao me whenever you see me or walk past me... FUCK OFF, MAN!!!~ who do you think you are, his girlfriend??? i bet he have already rejected you ever since the first week of school... haha!!!~
anyway thanks friends for helping me...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Y; 10:27 PM
GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!!!~ congrat to xiao ying and gabriel... =DD eunice wish you all last long long!!!~ jyea...
anyway lla was alway so boring, talk about high and low self-esteem today!!!~ super damn boring, ok... after that we went for EIC lecture, was trying to force myself to digest more about ALKANES... but the more i digest the more heacdache i am!!!~ yi hui and i was so so hungry at that time, she so cute lahx... ;))) went to cafe 2 for recess, stupid 'him' make me want to faint... i don't want to take 'his' money but he alway ask me to take take take!!!~ IFS practical was super funny today, xiao ying and i become HWS during lesson... haha!!!~ copy the way he walk, he look, he talk blahx blahx blahx... laugh until stomach very painful!!!~ happy to be with them... =DD went to cafe 1 to have my dinner with a whole big group of friends... 'smile' chit chat, slack and tada... gabriel propose to xiao ying time!!!~ romantic...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Y; 8:35 PM
had my dinner at weihoon house... her mum cooking was damn yummy, ok!!!~ =D i keep aiming for vegetable and she keep aiming for tofu... damn funny!!!~ haha... next time go her house for free dinner again!!!~ =X
Y; 5:07 PM
thanks ailing and anan for your 'an wei' yesterday!!!~ =D message can be use again but all my memories has been deleted... =(
meet weihoon today at about 12 plus... cry infront of her as i was telling her what has actually happened yesterday!!!~ haiix...
went to kfc to have our lunch... sit down there chit chat then we went jalan jalan!!!~ admiralty place so sian lorhx, walk until sian liao... haha... then we went to macdonald to sit down chit chat again!!!~ weihoon very what take my picture... my eye so swollen she still go take, BAD GIRL!!!~ =P planing to go to 888 plaza but it take time for us as we wanted to WALK there so we went to foodcourt sit down and chit chat again... haha, we very lame hor??? went to weihoon house, watched 881... nice show!!!~ that all for today... thanks weihoon for your 'an wei' =D
Friday, February 22, 2008
Y; 8:27 PM
cry badly today, all thanks to someone!!!~ and it not just one people only, ok...
thanks irene qing fu, samantha lao po, jia jia gay partner, siang eng nu er, xiao ying, yi hui, gabriel, wee kuan, alzena for all the 'an wei'...
all the message are important to me, it is all the memories between him and me!!!~ SAD...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Y; 8:44 PM
EUNICE IS A EMO FREAK!!!~ haha... =X
IFS practical was easy for me... because it all about FOOD, and eunice love FOOD very much!!!~ two hours break was so boring and damn long for us... sit down there with friends and i totally become a emo freak!!!~ think too much lehx, me... after that went for EIC practical... the experiment we did today was so difficult, makes me headache!!!~ ALL THANKS TO STUPID MS ONG... by the way who do you think you are, ms sng are the one who suppose to teach us and not you!!!~ make this clear, you are there just to help... HEADACHE, everything was perfect but when she ask me to follow what she do!!!~ EVERYTHING WENT WRONG... he so cute lorhx, sms me and ask me why i so emo!!!~ =D that all lahx, cannot say so much... tata!!!~ 'wink'
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Y; 10:08 PM
CROSS COUNTRY (GIRL: 3.2KM RUN, BOY: 4.8KM RUN[if i am not wrong...])meet xiao ying at admiralty place then take bus 969 to tampines interchange to meet samantha lao po and others!!!~ =D after that take bus 22 or 65 to bedok reservoirs park... gather together at a bench, chit chat and get ready for the run/walk!!!~ walk all the way from the start to the end with kenneth and anthony... chit chat with them almost make me faint or laugh until stomach pain!!!~ haha... oh ya, i am proud to be the first girl to reach there... (ps: first as in counting from the back, errr get what i mean???) haha!!!~ =P
went to bedok interchange to had our breakfast/lunch with ('a' class) irene qing fu, samantha lao po, jia jia gay partner, xiao ying, gabriel, jonathan, ('b' class) kenneth, kelvin, william, anthony, vanessa x2, joanne x2... very big group, right!!!~ =D
eat kfc, can't finish my food then chit chat awhile we went to lan shop... played counter strike, fun fun!!!~ =D our nick so cute lorhx!!!~
eunice - 'i kill kenneth'
kenneth - 'ikilleunice'
irene - 'whohohoho'(a bit weird, right... haha!!!~)
gabriel - 'gabriel[ahem*]'(shhh, secret... =X)
william - 'gan ni ma ma'(if i am not wrong...)
anthony - 'ikillirene=)'
lalalassss... having great fun down there!!!~ after that jiu HOME SWEET HOME with xiao ying... =D
saw weihoon, jiahui, priscilla and bing sen at admiralty place... DAMN HAPPY!!!~ =D chit chat with weihoon, jiahui and priscilla awhile then jiu really HOME SWEET HOME with weihoon... =D
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Y; 10:24 PM
EUNICE ARE SO BAD!!!~ =P it seem like i am alway pushing him away... but do you know that everytime i say you and her together, my heart feel pain??? :(((
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Y; 11:42 PM
online and chat with him from 1o/11pm plus to 1pm plus...
played guessing game with him!!! ;)
we have 5 chances to guess who we like...
so i guessed 5 girls and all my answer were wrong!!!
he guessed 5 boys and all his answer were wrong too... =D
i know you can do it...
anyway, he and i have falling in love but we don't know who the hell is our true love!!!
alright, we shall let nature take it course... ;)
Y; 6:15 PM
HELLO, eunice is back... =D
anyway, i say i will continued with my 'chu yi' and 'chu er' post but i have already forgetten!!!
so sorry everyone...
thus, i will be posting about what have happened this pass few days... =D
IFS, we learned how to make apple jam and mayonnaise!!!
EIC, we learn about ph value, testing of acid and alkaline...
one word, FUN!!! =D
[13TH FEBRUARY 2008]
so called 'class bonding'???
played two games altogether which is instructed by our AFS and CPT bridge leader...
although i am tired but i did enjoyed myself!!!
injure myself during valentine day, damn unlucky...
went back to adss to take 'n' level certificate with weihoon, ailing, anan, jiahui, meichuan and nuriah!!!
we were so noisy inside the general office...
mr ang say that i injure myself is because of looking at handsome boys???
NO WAY!!! =D
chit chat at the canteen remind me about what we always did last year...
i miss the time we had together!!!
we celebrated mr ang birthday...
i can see that he is very H-A-P-P-Y!!! =D
weihoon, ailing and anan went over to my house...
and alas, mr ang sms weihoon and tell her that we can take our year book so weihoon and i walked back to adss to take!!!
the weather = HOT...
after that we take bus to causeway point for shopping!!!
it has been so long since i went there...
after that home sweet home with weihoon!!! =D
alright, let me finish with what i have to say about today...
sleep almost the whole day!!!
then after that went to meet weihoon at admiralty macdonald...
have my dinner over there and had a nice chat with her!!! =D
went to weihoon house to upload my pictures as my computer and handphone was having problems...
that's all...
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Y; 11:29 AM
he sms me at about 12am plus...
thus, we sms here and there until 2am!!!
we scolded each other, reminded each other to eat as much as we can and drink lots of plain water as we can...
don't misunderstand we are just F-R-I-E-N-D!!! =D
Monday, February 4, 2008
Y; 11:45 PM
anyway just want to tell her something...
i am willing to give up on 'him' and you can have 'him' for goodness sake!!!
but if you ever try anything funny to harm my friends, i will not give it a damn...
fuck off, B-I-T-C-H!!!
anyway, may i know where is your basic manner???
even words like S-O-R-R-Y also cannot pop out from your mouth???
or you don't even know that you have actually knocked on my friends???
please wake up, B-I-T-C-H!!!
it between you and me, not others...